Wish links should work now

What is this...!?#%

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Det var da en hæslig smag den sodavand har. Som Daniel udtrykte det, "Den smager som lort", altså den slags man kan købe i legetøjsbutikker.

Thank you Ragna

Back home from a week in Alanya, Pescha Bay.
We got invited to Turkey for a week's vacation by my mother.


Image not found

All photos can be found at PicasaWeb

Old articles

All the old articles on chocofant.dk up to 2009 have been archived on the old layouts. If you want to read in the old news you have to open one of the archived pages. Links are at the bottom of this page.

More or less all photos hosted on chocofant.dk are deleted so the archived galleries have a lot of broken links. I will maybe upload the photos later on.